Photo of romina rossi Brazil

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Personal Data and artistic life

Sonia Romina Rossi-La Plata, 1976.Argentina in Visual Communication Design, Faculty of Fine Arts in La Plata / 2005.

He began painting in the year 2006 to complete his university studies in his native city graphic designer, decided to move to Brazil, that's where you see first developed his artistic vocation In the year 2007, the first Vienal participial Buzios, painting a...

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Photo of romina rossi Brazil

Personal Data and artistic life

Sonia Romina Rossi-La Plata, 1976.Argentina in Visual Communication Design, Faculty of Fine Arts in La Plata / 2005.

He began painting in the year 2006 to complete his university studies in his native city graphic designer, decided to move to Brazil, that's where you see first developed his artistic vocation In the year 2007, the first Vienal participial Buzios, painting a wall Establishment, chosen from local artists, out in the newspapers of the city for a long time. In the year 2008 travels Party - Rio de Janeiro, to take painting classes with Andre Profesorde Andrade (landscape) as well as drawing classes with Professor Fernando de Noronia (disenhista-advertising) In August of that year, esconvidada to participate in a series of artistic events, called Rio (Rio de Janeiro - Santa Teresa)

His work sent from the unconscious reflects your own essence. All across the channels of intuition and Uriarte persepciondesarrolla detailed and unified, developing at the same time the figure and background, making the two a team.

Thousands of situations, realities, causual, acontecena every moment ...

"... Life is made up of a myriad of objects, colors, sounds, tastes, smells, that's what being represented inthe works, this group of essences cadamilesima nuestrasvidasa perceive in second, with each of our senses, that is the motivator demi work ... "Romina Rossi

The line is clear, precise and flexible, the main characteristic of the artist. The drawings are performed unconsciously, without any kind marcacion.Los are strong and contrasting colors, the incorporation of the texture will permanently obra.Explora davolumen the various means of expression and opening the way to endless possibilities and results.

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